Monday, April 27, 2009

Chemo Round Five

I had chemo round five today. Everything went pretty good. I wore my free t-shirt from SkyDiveAZ, and everyone at the doc's office was pretty impressed/surprised that I actually jumped given my "condition." It shouldn't be a big schocker because, fortunately, all my other side effects are relatively minimal right now. I also have some new pills to counteract all the likely steroid-caused water-weight gain. I'm trying to avoid looking any "mas chubikins" than necessary. I stayed away from the liquor so my liver counts are back to normal. My white counts seemed to benefit from the Neupogen shots following the last round, so I have five more lined up. That means a total of six trips across town again this week.

Work is still pretty intense, so getting enough sleep this week will be the main goal. I'd like to work out too, but I was advised that this crazy "bacon fever" from Mexico is highly spreadable in places like the gym. So I'll be even more antisocial than normal for the time being. I actually don't think anyone will notice... Mom did get me a supply of surgical masks, but I don't think I'll be rocking the creepy Michael Jackson look just yet.

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