Number Eight came and went yesterday, and it was probably the smoothest so far. One of the drugs, DTIC, feels like fire when it hits the vein, so it's been a trial and error process to figure out the right speed and dilution of saline solution to minimize the pain and overall time in the chair. I think we finally nailed it. I felt good enough to treat myself to a new Slipknot CD (yes, I'm still a metalhead, folks) and dinner at BisonWitches (where any Tucsonan knows you better bring your appetite) with some good friends.
Last weekend I felt strong enough to make it out to San Diego to see my family and go to a wedding (T&L, congrats!). I resisted partying too much, but doc says my liver held up quite nicely anyway. I'm also proud to say I dodged that trendy swine flu without having to wear a mask.
I'd like to give some shout-outs to friends. Thanks for the encouraging words from fellow "lymphomaniacs" JG and TS, and special congrats to TS for 5 years of health. I can't wait to have this in my rear-view mirror, too!
Also, a shoutout to (DSP Bro.) LA and her friends for launching a new lymphoma/leukemia charitable organization. You can check out the details on MAV Foundation here: here for the continued encouragement everyone!
June 19: PET-CT scan. We'll find out whether all that chemo is really doing its job.
June 22: Chemo Round Nine